This is America’s Future in the making!
The Girls State program in Texas has been one of constant improvement and growth. The number of participants has grown from 94 to over 500. The progress of Girls State in Texas could not have been accomplished if it had not been for the pioneers of Bluebonnet Girls State; the full cooperation and encouragement of the Department Presidents of the American Legion Auxiliary; former directors, members and chairmen of the Girls State Committee; the press, radio and television; school and state officials; interested individuals; most of all the local units who sponsor girls; and last but not least, the citizens.
To develop civic leadership and pride in American citizenship. The American Legion hopes that each young man attending Boys State will return to his community a better citizen and display his willingness to make greater civic contributions. To develop a keen interest in government.
Edinburg High School
Emma Garza
Edinburg North High School
Makayla Saenz
Economedes High School
Joaquin Castaneda
Robert Vela High School
Jaxson Shupe